Crocus is a much-loved and hardy flower belonging to the iris family of plants. Apart from a few species that bloom during fall, these perennials’ flowers normally grow in spring. Crocuses will make a lovely addition to any home, whether you plant them outside in your yard or inside.

About Crocuses
When fully mature crocuses’ height can range between three to six inches tall. Blooms come in a variety of colors like lavender, yellow, purple, and white. There are over 80 species of crocus plants, 30 of which are farmed by commercial growers.
The Dutch Crocus, also known as Crocus Vernus is the most commonly planted species and has the largest blooms. A few other well-known species are sieber, chrysanthus, and tommasinius.
With the right conditions, you can plant crocuses both outdoors and indoors, in containers, flower beds, or borders. Crocuses tend to do well with full sun exposure and in soil that has proper drainage.
Growing crocuses outdoors

During the cooler weather in fall, is the best time for planting crocus bulbs outdoors. When doing so it is advisable to plant them in a location where they will have little to no disturbance during winter.
Likewise, plant them in a protected area away from smaller animals like rabbits, mice, and squirrels that might eat them.
You should plant crocus bulbs in a shallow hole, an inch apart from each other, and under half an inch of soil with the pointed end facing up.
Additionally, add 2 to 3 inches of mulch after planting for winter protection. Grass clippings, leaves, and straw are all excellent mulching options to use while growing.
Only water bulbs throughout the winter, when snow is not present. If you live in an area that snows then water until the first snowfall arrives. Shoots will start to appear or be noticeable in late winter or early spring when the snow starts to melt.
Growing crocuses indoors

For indoor planting, place a small layer of gravel or stone at the base of your container followed by well-drained potting soil. the added soil should be within an inch and a half from the top of the container.
Next, place the bulbs with the pointing end facing upwards, and an inch apart from each other. Cover the bulbs with soil and water thoroughly. Allow the pot to drain before placing it in a dark and cold location with a temperature of 45 to 48-degree Fahrenheit for six weeks.
Check once every week for signs of roots appearing through the drain holes. Once established, it is now time to move the bulbs to a warmer location with exposure to sunlight. Within three weeks your crocuses should start to bloom.