Do you have a small yard and would like to keep a simple but well-maintained garden? A little determination and basic knowledge are all it takes. Here are a few tips on how to spruce up your garden and keep it looking glamorous:
Weed when necessary
Although weeding may seem obvious to many, it is still worth mentioning. Weeding is one of the best ways to preserve the beauty of your garden. Always remember, weeds compete with surrounding plants for both nutrients and moisture.
You can leave weeds on the bed to rot down for mulch if the weeds are not close to seeding. In the event that you must use a weedicide, use a wick applicator instead of sprayer. This will protect your plants from spray-drift.
Fertilize lightly
Applying a minimal amount of fertilizer can further boost vegetation growth. On the other hand, you must fertilize more regularly if you water your yard frequently. Doing so will help with reducing nutrient depletion.
A biweekly (fortnightly) application of liquid fertilizer instead of granules may be more beneficial as it is readily absorbed by the leaves. A half-strength solution of liquid fertilizer applied regularly to container plants will be healthier.
Keep your border free from wilted flowers and dried leaves by deadheading. Removing dead flower heads or deadheading will encourage plants to produce more blooms for longer periods.
Most perennials such as dahlias and geraniums; and some annuals can benefit from the removal of spent blooms.
Although this method may seem like deadheading, it is different. Pinching involves the removal of the top of a plant or their central growing point. Certain foliage plants like Coleus respond with a spurt of growth when this technique is used on them.
Pinching out the plants encourages the production of more blooms and much bushier plant structure. Fuchsias for example, are prone to becoming leggy growth unless you pinch them out.
Water plant well
Another good tip when it comes to watering is to give your garden a thorough soaking once a week. However, make sure to reduce any run-off which may cause erosion. Deep watering encourages the growth of deeper roots that will be able to withstand dry spells.
Avoid chemicals
Chemicals are dangerous to both humans and animals, so avoid them if possible. They often kill the natural predators of the pest in your garden and may lead to cancer. There are many organic alternatives that work almost as well. You can purchase them or make your own using ingredients available right in your home.
With these simple tips, your garden will flourish while being the talk of neighborhood.