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Tag: gardening

DIY PROJECTS, Home & Garden

Ways to make the most of your small yard 

Though, a small yard may seem limiting when it comes to designing, correctly utilizing landscaping elements can produce great results. You can do many things to improve a smaller space without taking away too much from other usable space by planning well. The first key…

DIY PROJECTS, Home & Garden

Using cherry laurel as a hedge 

Prunus laurocerasus also known as the English laurel or Cherry laurel, is evergreen species of cherry. It is sometimes confused with Laurus nobilis (Grecian laurel or sweet bay), another evergreen which is the victory laurel of ancient Greece. Advertisement Native to Europe and Asia, this…

DIY PROJECTS, Home & Garden

6 common types of Hydrangeas 

Hydrangeas are very popular among many gardeners because of their distinctive blossoms. These massive midsummer flowers have been known to turn heads. Despite their visual appeal, hydrangeas can be a little bit tricky to grow, depending on the variety. Nevertheless, anyone can enjoy hydrangeas. The…

Home & Garden

Different types of roses 

Are all roses just the same with the exception of color? In Fact, not all roses are alike, they come in numerous distinctive varieties. Furthermore, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, if you are planning to add some roses to your garden,…

Home & Garden

10 beneficial garden insects 

1. Bumblebee An adult bumblebee can grow up to one inch in length and have a plump hairy figure. Their wing has a smoky colored appearance, while black and yellow striping covered their body. Because of the role they play in pollinating the flowers of…

DIY PROJECTS, Home & Garden

Growing Tomatos Plants From Seeds 

Tomato plants are very popular with most gardeners because they can grow almost anywhere in the world. Besides being very hardy, they require little attention during the growth period. All tomatoes require is adequate water, sunlight, and a little bit of patience. With these combinations,…

DIY PROJECTS, Home & Garden

Planting Crocus bulbs 

Crocus is a much-loved and hardy flower belonging to the iris family of plants. Apart from a few species that bloom during fall, these perennials’ flowers normally grow in spring. Crocuses will make a lovely addition to any home, whether you plant them outside in…

DIY PROJECTS, Home & Garden

Composting for Beginners 

These days it is becoming more obvious that we need to recycle as much as possible in order to reduce the amount of waste in landfills. Especially, biodegradable waste materials such as those found in your garden and kitchen. many first-time gardeners tend to disregard…

DIY PROJECTS, Home & Garden

Safe Methods of Pest Control 

Pest, a gardener’s most cunning adversary. Well, maybe not, but they can be an annoyance. These critters lurk around waiting for the right time to harvest the fruits of your hard labor. In the process leaving a wake of destruction in their path. Unfortunately, there…

Home & Garden

Benefits of Organic Gardening 

Organic gardening is simply a means of growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs using resources naturally available in nature. But what really makes organically grown produce so special and why should you partake in this type of gardening? Advertisement Waste not, want not Instead of using…
